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Scenic Integration

The Scenic gem provides a way to create versioned database views in Rails. If you're using Scenic, the Timescaledb gem will automatically detect it and already integrate into your code.

Migration script

Use the create_scenic_continuous_aggregate macro to invoke your materialized view.

class CreateScorePerHours < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
  def change
    create_scenic_continuous_aggregate :score_per_hours

Define the view in a sql file

The sql file should be placed in the db/views directory. The file should be named after the view and the version number. For example, score_per_hours_v01.sql.

SELECT game_id,
       time_bucket(INTERVAL '1 hour', created_at) AS bucket,
FROM plays
GROUP BY game_id, bucket;

Check out the source code of the full example.