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SQL Support

Fast supports SQL through pg_query which is a Ruby wrapper for the Postgresql SQL parser.

By default, this module is not included into the main library.

Fast can auto-detect file extensions and choose the sql path in case the file relates to sql. You can also use --sql in the command line to force the decision for the SQL parser.

fast --sql select_stmt /path/to/my-file

The command line tool should be compatible with most of the commands. Let's dive into all parsing steps.

Parsing a sql content

require 'fast/sql'
ast = Fast.parse_sql('select 1')
# => s(:select_stmt,
#     s(:target_list,
#       s(:res_target,
#         s(:val,
#           s(:a_const,
#             s(:val,
#               s(:integer,
#                 s(:ival, 1))))))))

Why it's interesting to use AST for SQL?

Both SQL are available and do the same thing:

select * from customers
table customers

they have exactly the same objective but written down in very different syntax.

Give a try:

Fast.parse_sql("select * from customers") == Fast.parse_sql("table customers") # => true


Use match? with your node pattern to traverse the abstract syntax tree.

 Fast.match?("(select_stmt ...)", ast) # => true

Use $ to capture elements from the AST:

 Fast.match?("(select_stmt $...)", ast)
=> [s(:target_list,
            s(:ival, 1)))))))]

You can dig deeper into the AST specifying nodes:

Fast.match?("(select_stmt (target_list (res_target (val ($...)))))", ast)
# => [s(:a_const,
#     s(:val,
#       s(:integer,
#         s(:ival, 1))))]

And ignoring node types or values using _. Check all syntax options.

Fast.match?("(select_stmt (_ (_ (val ($...)))))", ast)
# => [s(:a_const,
#     s(:val,
#       s(:integer,
#         s(:ival, 1))))]

Search directly from the AST

You can also search directly from nodes and keep digging:

ast = Fast.parse_sql('select 1');'ival') # => [s(:ival, s(:ival, 1))]

Use first to return the node directly:

ast.first('(ival (ival _))')  #=> s(:ival, s(:ival, 1))

Combine the capture method with $:

ast.capture('(ival (ival $_))') # => [1]


Let's dive into a more complex example capturing fields and from clause of a condition. Let's start parsing the sql:

Capturing fields and where clause

ast = Fast.parse_sql('select name from customer')
#   => s(:select_stmt,
#     s(:target_list,
#       s(:res_target,
#         s(:val,
#           s(:column_ref,
#             s(:fields,
#               s(:string,
#                 s(:str, "name"))))))),
#     s(:from_clause,
#       s(:range_var,
#         s(:relname, "customer"),
#         s(:inh, true),
#         s(:relpersistence, "p"))))

Now, let's build the expression to get the fields and from_clause.

 cols_and_from = "
     (target_list (res_target (val (column_ref (fields $...)))))
     (from_clause (range_var $(relname _))))

Now, we can use Fast.capture or Fast.match? to extract the values from the AST.

Fast.capture(cols_and_from, ast)
# => [s(:string,
#     s(:str, "name")), s(:relname, "customer")]

Search inside

relname = Fast.parse_sql('select name from customer').search('relname').first
# => s(:relname, "customer")

Find the location of a node.

relname.location # => #<Parser::Source::Map:0x00007fd3bcb0b7f0
#  @expression=#<Parser::Source::Range (sql) 17...25>,
#  @node=s(:relname, "customer")>

The location can be useful to allow you to do refactorings and find specific delimitations of objects in the string.

The attribute expression gives access to the source range.

# => #<Parser::Source::Range (sql) 17...25>

The source_buffer is shared and can be accessed through the expression.

# => #<Fast::SQL::SourceBuffer:0x00007fd3bc2a6420
#    @name="(sql)",
#    @source="select name from customer",
#    @tokens=
#     [<PgQuery::ScanToken: start: 0, end: 6, token: :SELECT, keyword_kind: :RESERVED_KEYWORD>,
#      <PgQuery::ScanToken: start: 7, end: 11, token: :NAME_P, keyword_kind: :UNRESERVED_KEYWORD>,
#      <PgQuery::ScanToken: start: 12, end: 16, token: :FROM, keyword_kind: :RESERVED_KEYWORD>,
#      <PgQuery::ScanToken: start: 17, end: 25, token: :IDENT, keyword_kind: :NO_KEYWORD>]>

The tokens are useful to find the proper node location during the build but they're not available for all the nodes, so, it can be very handy as an extra reference.


Replace fragments of your SQL based on AST can also be done with all the work inherited from Parser::TreeRewriter components.

Fast.parse_sql('select 1').replace('ival', '2') # => "select 2"

The previous example is a syntax sugar for the following code:

  Fast.parse_sql('select 1'),
  &->(node){ replace(node.location.expression, '2') }
) # => "select 2"

The last argument is a proc that runs on the parser tree rewriter scope.

Let's break down the previous code:

ast = Fast.parse_sql("select 1")
#  => s(:select_stmt,
#    s(:target_list,
#      s(:res_target,
#        s(:val,
#          s(:a_const,
#            s(:ival,
#              s(:ival, 1)))))))

The pattern is simply matching node type that is ival but it could be a complex expression like (val (a_const (val (ival (ival _))))).

Completing the example:

 Fast.replace_sql("ival", ast, &-> (n) { replace(n.loc.expression, "3") })
 # => "select 3"

loc is a shortcut for location attribute.

Mastering on command line

Installing the gem ffast will allow you to use the fast utility in the command line.

Force sql

Fast can guess that fast ... *.sql is looking for SQL stuff. But, if your file extension is not available or you want test something inline, use --sql.

fast --sql --debug --similar "drop view _"

It will output

Search similar to (drop_stmt (objects (list (items (string (sval _))))) (remove_type _) (behavior _))


Generalize identifiers with --similar. It can be very useful to build the expression from SQL and look for similar expressions.

fast --sql --similar "select * from _" *.sql

You can also use --debug to check the expression

fast --debug --sql --similar "select * from _"


Search similar to (select_stmt (target_list (res_target (val (column_ref (fields))))) (from_clause (range_var (relname _) (inh ) (relpersistence _))))

From code

If you don't know the AST but wants an exact match from code, use --from-code and it will build an expression that matches exactly the same tree.

fast --sql --from-code "select * from my_table" *.sql


The fast CLI also supports shortcuts which are mapping expressions starting with ..

Shortcuts can keep your abstract scripts organized. Let's say you want to create your own format sql and you'll run it very often. You can create a shortcut for it and just reuse as you need.

Format SQL

Let's say you want to format some sql, so, here are some possible syntax to get some formatted version of an inline code:

fast .format_sql "select * from tbl"

It should return "SELECT * FROM tbl" with all reserved keywords upcased. Even it's not mandatory, it makes it much clear to scan the text.

The second option is with a sql file.

fast .format_sql /path/to/my_file.sql
Both cases will just output in the command line and further commands can be combined to send it to another file.

Add the following script to your Fastfile to just get started:

Fast.shortcut :format_sql do
  require 'fast/sql'
  content = ARGV.last
  method = File.exist?(content) ? :parse_sql_file : :parse_sql
  ast = Fast.public_send(method, content)
  ast = ast.first if ast.is_a? Array

  output = Fast::SQL.replace('_', ast) do |root|
    sb = root.loc.expression.source_buffer
    sb.tokens.each do |token|
      if token.keyword_kind == :RESERVED_KEYWORD
        range =, token.start, token.end)
        replace(range, range.source.upcase)
  require 'fast/cli'
  puts Fast.highlight(output, sql: true)