Shortcuts are defined on a Fastfile
inside any ruby project.
Use ~/Fastfile
You can also add one extra in your $HOME
if you want to have something loaded always.
By default, the command line interface does not load any Fastfile
if the
first param is not a shortcut. It should start with .
I'm building several researches and I'll make the examples open here to show several interesting cases in action.
List your fast shortcuts¶
As the interface is very rudimentar, let's build a shortcut to print what
shortcuts are available. This is a good one to your $HOME/Fastfile
# List all shortcut with comments
Fast.shortcut :shortcuts do
fast_files.each do |file|
lines = File.readlines(file).map{|line|line.chomp.gsub(/\s*#/,'').strip}
result = capture_file('(send ... shortcut $(sym _', file)
result = [result] unless result.is_a?Array
result.each do |capture|
target = capture.loc.expression
puts "fast .#{target.source[1..-1].ljust(30)} # #{lines[target.line-2]}"
And using it on fast
project that loads both ~/Fastfile
and the Fastfile from the project:
fast .version # Let's say you'd like to show the version that is over the version file
fast .parser # Simple shortcut that I used often to show how the expression parser works
fast .bump_version # Use `fast .bump_version` to rewrite the version file
fast .shortcuts # List all shortcut with comments
Search for references¶
I always miss bringing something simple as grep keyword
where I can leave a simple string and it can
search in all types of nodes and report interesting things about it.
Let's consider a very flexible search that can target any code related to some keyword. Considering that we're talking about code indentifiers:
# Search all references about some keyword or regular expression
Fast.shortcut(:ref) do
require 'fast/cli'
Kernel.class_eval do
def matches_args? identifier
search = ARGV.last
regex =, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
case identifier
when Symbol, String
regex.match?(identifier) || identifier.to_s.include?(search)
when Astrolabe::Node
pattern = <<~FAST
({class def sym str} #matches_args?)'
({const send} nil #matches_args?)'
FAST!([pattern, '.', '--parallel'])
Rails: Show validations from models¶
If the shortcut does not define a block, it works as a holder for arguments from the command line.
Let's say you always use fast "(send nil {validate validates})" app/models
check validations in the models. You can define a shortcut to hold the args and
avoid retyping long lines:
# Show validations from app/models
Fast.shortcut(:validations, "(send nil {validate validates})", "app/models")
fast .validations
fast .validations app/models/user.rb
Note that you can also use flags in the command line shortcuts
Let's say you also want to use fast --headless
you can add it to the params:
Fast.shortcut(:validations, "(send nil {validate validates})", "app/models", "--headless")
Automated Refactor: Bump version¶
Let's start with a real usage to bump a new version of the gem.
Fast.shortcut :bump_version do
rewrite_file('(casgn nil VERSION (str _)', 'lib/fast/version.rb') do |node|
target = node.children.last.loc.expression
pieces = target.source.split('.').map(&:to_i)
pieces.reverse.each_with_index do |fragment, i|
if fragment < 9
pieces[-(i + 1)] = fragment + 1
pieces[-(i + 1)] = 0
replace(target, "'#{pieces.join('.')}'")
And then the change is done in the lib/fast/version.rb
module Fast
- VERSION = '0.1.6'
+ VERSION = '0.1.7'
RSpec: Find unused shared contexts¶
If you build shared contexts often, probably you can forget some left overs.
The objective of the shortcut is find leftovers from shared contexts.
First, the objective is capture all names of the RSpec.shared_context
declared in the spec/support
Fast.capture_all('(block (send {nil,_} shared_context (str $_)))', Fast.ruby_files_from('spec/support'))
Then, we need to check all the specs and search for include_context
usages to
confirm if all defined contexts are being used:
specs = Fast.ruby_files_from('spec').select{|f|f !~ %r{spec/support/}}
Fast.search_all("(send nil include_context (str #register_usage)", specs)
Note that we created a new reference to #register_usage
and we need to define the method too:
@used = []
def register_usage context_name
@used << context_name
Wrapping up everything in a shortcut:
# Show unused shared contexts
Fast.shortcut(:unused_shared_contexts) do
puts "Checking shared contexts"
Kernel.class_eval do
@used = []
def register_usage context_name
@used << context_name
def show_report! defined_contexts
unused = defined_contexts.values.flatten - @used
if unused.any?
puts "Unused shared contexts", unused
puts "Good job! all the #{defined_contexts.size} contexts are used!"
specs = ruby_files_from('spec/').select{|f|f !~ %r{spec/support/}}
search_all("(send nil include_context (str #register_usage)", specs)
defined_contexts = capture_all('(block (send {nil,_} shared_context (str $_)))', ruby_files_from('spec'))
Kernel.public_send(:show_report!, defined_contexts)
Why #register_usage
is defined on the Kernel
Yes! note that the #register_usage
was forced to be inside Kernel
because of the shortcut
block that takes the Fast
context to be easy
to access in the default functions. As I can define multiple shortcuts
I don't want to polute my Kernel module with other methods that are not useful.
RSpec: Remove unused let¶
First shortcut with experiments
If you're not familiar with automated experiments, you can read about it here.
The current scenario is similar in terms of search with the previous one, but more advanced because we're going to introduce automated refactoring.
The idea is simple, if it finds a let
in a RSpec scenario that is not referenced, it tries to experimentally remove the let
and run the tests:
# Experimental remove `let` that are not referenced in the spec
Fast.shortcut(:exp_remove_let) do
require 'fast/experiment'
Kernel.class_eval do
file = ARGV.last
defined_lets = Fast.capture_file('(block (send nil let (sym $_)))', file).uniq
@unreferenced= do |identifier|
Fast.search_file("(send nil #{identifier})", file).empty?
def unreferenced_let?(identifier)
@unreferenced.include? identifier
experiment('RSpec/RemoveUnreferencedLet') do
lookup ARGV.last
search '(block (send nil let (sym #unreferenced_let?)))'
edit { |node| remove(node.loc.expression) }
policy { |new_file| system("bundle exec rspec --fail-fast #{new_file}") }
And it will run with a single file from command line:
fast .exp_remove_let spec/my_file_spec.rb
FactoryBot: Replace create
with build_stubbed
For performance reasons, if we can avoid touching the database the test will always be faster.
# Experimental switch from `create` to `build_stubbed`
Fast.shortcut(:exp_build_stubbed) do
require 'fast/experiment'
Fast.experiment('FactoryBot/UseBuildStubbed') do
lookup ARGV.last
search '(send nil create)'
edit { |node| replace(node.loc.selector, 'build_stubbed') }
policy { |new_file| system("bundle exec rspec --fail-fast #{new_file}") }
RSpec: Use let_it_be
instead of let
The let_it_be
is a simple helper from
TestProf gem that can speed up
the specs by caching some factories using like a before_all
This experiment hunts for let(...) { create(...) }
and switch the let
# Experimental replace `let(_)` with `let_it_be` case it calls `create` inside the block
Fast.shortcut(:exp_let_it_be) do
require 'fast/experiment'
Fast.experiment('FactoryBot/LetItBe') do
lookup ARGV.last
search '(block (send nil let (sym _)) (args) (send nil create))'
edit { |node| replace(node.children.first.loc.selector, 'let_it_be') }
policy { |new_file| system("bin/spring rspec --fail-fast #{new_file}") }
RSpec: Remove before
or after
From time to time, we forget some left overs like before
or after
that even removing from the code, the tests still passes. This experiment
removes the before/after blocks and check if the test passes.
# Experimental remove `before` or `after` blocks.
Fast.shortcut(:exp_remove_before_after) do
require 'fast/experiment'
Fast.experiment('RSpec/RemoveBeforeAfter') do
lookup ARGV.last
search '(block (send nil {before after}))'
edit { |node| remove(node.loc.expression) }
policy { |new_file| system("bin/spring rspec --fail-fast #{new_file}") }
RSpec: Show message chains¶
I often forget the syntax and need to search for message chains on specs, so I created an shortcut for it.
# Show RSpec message chains
Fast.shortcut(:message_chains, '^^(send nil receive_message_chain)', 'spec')
RSpec: Show nested assertions¶
I love to use nested assertions and I often need examples to refer to them:
# Show RSpec nested assertions with .and
Fast.shortcut(:nested_assertions, '^^(send ... and)', 'spec')