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Git Integration

You can overload the AST node with extra methods to get information from Git.

Let's start with some basic setup to reuse in the next examples:

Git require

By default, this extension is not loaded in the fast environment, so you should require it.

require 'fast/git'

Then it will work with any AST node.

ast = Fast.ast_from_file('lib/fast.rb')


First commit from git: # => "Jonatas Davi Paganini"

It uses ruby-git gem, so all methods are available:


Counting commits per year:

# => {2020=>4, 2019=>22, 2018=>4}

Counting commits per contributor:

# => {"Jônatas Davi Paganini"=>29, ...}

Selecting last commit message:

ast.last_commit.message # => "Add node extensions for extracting info from git (#21)"

Remote git URL:

ast.remote_url  # => ""
ast.project_url # => ""

The sha from last commit:

ast.sha # => "cd1c036b55ec1d41e5769ad73b282dd6429a90a6"

Pick a link from the files to master version: # => ""

Getting permalink from current commit:

ast.permalink # => ""

Let's say you'd like to capture a list of class names that inherits the Find class:

puts ast.capture("(class $(const nil _) (const nil Find)").map(&:md_link).join("\n* ")

It will output the following links:

If you need to get a permanent link to the code, use the permalink method:"(class (const nil _) (const nil Find)").map(&:permalink)
# => ["",
#     "", ...]